Kaggle geospatial course questions

Cultural Analytics Class Outlines

Week 2: Maps

Wednesday: Questions on Kaggle Notebooks

Kaggle Geospatial Course: https://www.kaggle.com/learn/geospatial-analysis

  1. Your First Map (Be sure to click on the black (<>) icon under the right “Exercise” column)
    • What does the library learntools do (README.md file)?
      • Uncomment q_1.[hint() and solution()]
    • Find what 3 datasets are available in the Geopandas API
      • What info does the dataset naturalearth_lowres have?
    • What does fig, ax = plt.subplot(1, 2) do?
    • What is the difference between:
      • PHL_loans = world_loans[world_loans['country'] == 'Philippines']
      • PHL_loans = world_loans.loc[world_loans.country=="Philippines"].copy()
    • What does the library fiona do?
    • What is the file format KML below mean?
      • gpd.io.file.fiona.drvsupport.supported_drivers['KML'] = 'rw'
    • Done
  2. Coordinate Reference System
    • What does the library shapley do?
    • What is the purpose of the argument “parse_dates=” below?
      • birds_df = pd.read_csv("../input/geospatial-learn-course-data/purple_martin.csv", parse_dates=['timestamp'])
    • Find the manual page for GeoDataFrame.CRS()?
    • What does: “ax.set_xlim([-110, -30])” do?
    • Parse these statements:
      • path_df = birds.groupby("tag-local-identifier")['geometry'].apply(list).apply(lambda x: LineString(x)).reset_index()
      • start_df = birds.groupby("tag-local-identifier")['geometry'].apply(list).apply(lambda x: x[0]).reset_index()
      • end_df = birds.groupby("tag-local-identifier")['geometry'].apply(list).apply(lambda x: x[-1]).reset_index()
    • Parse this statement:
      • totalArea = sum(south_america.geometry.to_crs(epsg=3035).area) / 10**6
      • protected_areas[protected_areas['MARINE']!='2'].plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, zorder=1)
      • birds[birds.geometry.y < 0].plot(ax=ax, color='red', alpha=0.6, markersize=10, zorder=2) (is higher zorder top or bottom?)
    • Done
  3. Interactive Maps
    • What does the library folium do?
    • What does this statement mean?
      • from IPython.display import IFrame
    • What does the geometry column look like in plate_boundaries?
      • Break up the cell and inspect the plate_boundaries GeoDataFrame.
      • Another way to see this geometry column before dropping it?
    • Experiment with the radiusi argument in the call to the HeatMap() method
      • HeatMap(data=earthquakes[['Latitude', 'Longitude']], radius=15).add_to(m_1)
    • What critical assumption does the join statement make (potential source of bugs)?
      • stats = population.join(area_sqkm)
    • What does the GeoDataFrame.geo_interface do?
    • Explain how a folium choropleth map works?
    • Done
  4. Manipulating Geospatial Data
    • Questions in class
  5. Proximity Analysis
    • Questions in class